TherapyPets Mission Statement
TherapyPets is an organization of volunteers and their pets who visit various facilities in order to enrich the 
lives of children and adults.  Through this experience, we all become aware of the rewards of TherapyPets and 
encourage others to actively participate.  Guidelines, training, and education for the owners and their pets 
are provided to ensure proper etiquette during visits.  Our volunteer teams share the love that comes from the 
human-animal bond.

TherapyPets Goals
 1. We facilitate partnerships between TherapyPets and facilities.
 2. We recognize the unique contributions from each of our volunteers.
 3. We continue to meet the growing needs of our ever-expanding number of volunteers
 4. We address administrative, interpersonal, and ongoing educational criteria by providing quality services.
Guidelines for TherapyPet Evaluations:
1. Pets must be tested and observed according to TherapyPets testing procedures. 
2. A yearly veterinarian examination of each pet is required and a completed Vet Form must be on file with 
3. TherapyPet volunteers must be eighteen years or older.   
Guidelines for TherapyPet visits:
4. TherapyPets authorized visits are restricted to those facilities with a completed TherapyPets Facility Visit 
Protocol form on file with TherapyPets.  Volunteers must follow rules and regulations pertaining to each 
5. The TherapyPets identification badge is to be worn during authorized TherapyPet visits. 
6. Pets must be clean, well groomed and parasite free on visits and volunteers should be appropriately dressed. 
7. If during an authorized TherapyPets visit, an incident occurs in which any person is injured, including the 
Volunteer, the Volunteer must immediately notify TherapyPets at its business phone service and by email via the 
TherapyPets web site email link.
8. If a volunteer fails to follow the these guidelines, the board of directors of TherapyPets, in its 
discretion, may temporarily or permanently suspend the authorized visiting privileges of a volunteer and/or 
pet. In this event, the volunteer shall immediately surrender any TherapyPets identification badge and/or tag 
by mailing to the TherapyPets business address.
Guidelines for TherapyPet Canines:
9. The minimum age for a dog is one year; there is no maximum age.
10. A volunteer may visit with only one dog at a time unless special evaluation has been done with the 
volunteer and multiple dogs.  
11. Dogs must be kept on a leash at all times during a visit, except when doing certain obedience or trick 
demonstrations.  Dog leads used on visits must be a maximum 4-foot length; and a traffic lead is suggested with 
large dogs.  Only slip or buckle collars (chain, nylon or leather) may be used on visits.  Retractable leashes 
are not allowed.
12.  At no time is a dog allowed to jump onto a bed of any resident in a facility unless express permission has 
been given by that resident and facility staff.
13. Female dogs in season are not allowed on authorized TherapyPet visits.

TherapyPets P.O. Box 32288 Oakland, CA 94604-3588  —  (510) 287-9042  —

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